Are any of you exhausted from summer yet?! While I do love this time of year, it's so busy with activities and going places I'm almost ready to say goodbye and settle in to the cool, slow pace of fall.
I am NOT however, ready to say goodbye to summer food just yet. While I myself don't have a garden, I'm looking forward to sharing the bounty of my dad's garden goodies and fresh produce from the farmer's market. Vegetables taste so much better straight from the earth. Here's my ode to summer meal plan this week:
Day 1: Thai Larp (pronounced laap)
I didn't seem to get around to posting this recipe from the last meal plan so it's day number 1 to have first priority! Our family loves the flavors in this dish and I even made it for my Dad and Mother-in-Law and they were licking their plates too.
Day 2: Turkey Meatballs in Tomato Cream Sauce over Spaghetti with Caesar Salad
This is a nice way to lighten up a classic dish. The fresh oregano and basil from my herb garden will come in handy.
Day 3: Bruschetta Baked Salmon with Roasted Baby Potatoes and Sauteed Spinach
A super summery tasting dish. Substitute fresh garden tomatoes for the can of diced tomatoes and this is a lovely burst of sunshine in your mouth.
Day 4: Blackened Chicken Salad with Creamy Honey Mustard Dressing
Salads are a great way to lighten up summer meals, and by cooking the chicken on the BBQ instead of the oven you can avoid insane amount of heat that the oven puts out on an already smoldering hot day.
Day 5: Baby Potatoes with Dill Cream, Farmer Sausage and Green Beans
These potatoes in dill cream are a part of my childhood; both sets of grandparents and my Dad have always had an EXTREMELY LARGE garden every summer. I crave the fresh taste of baby potatoes straight from the garden with a good douse of dill picked fresh as well. This is the EXACT meal either of my grandparents would make. I'm starting to feel very homesick right now!
Day 6: Creamy Summer Vegetable Soup with Cheddar Biscuits
I plan to use the leftover dill cream and baby potatoes for a creamy garden vegetable soup. This is also the kind of thrifty thing either of my grandparents would do, so I feel like I'm continuing to walk in their footsteps somehow.
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