The grocery list is back! This time it's easier to use and printable as well. It is color coordinated by meal so you can easily pick and choose which meals you would like to make. Either print and use the grocery list as is and make all the meals I have planned, or cross off the meals you would rather not make. Hopefully this is useful and helpful to you!
Click here to get a printable version of this week's meal plan.
I just got back after spending the entire day in the mountains, sitting on the beach of a beautiful glacial lake....just heavenly. We experienced a breathtaking lightening storm on the drive back home and went through a down pour of rain that beat down so hard on my windshield I could barely see. For the other rainy days to come this week, I have some comforting meals lined up and for the days that are so hot you have sweat beading off your eyeballs, I have some light salads and wraps on deck. My mouth is watering already.
Day 1: Sweet and Savory Beef Stew with Herb and Cheddar Biscuits
I got blade steak on sale awhile back and learned my lesson that cheap steak smothered in a delicious sauce = TOUGH steak smothered in delicious sauce. Instead I'm opting to slow cook it until nice and tender on a cool rainy day.
Day 2: Szechuan Chicken and Noodle Wraps
Our family loves these wraps and we're excited to dive into them.
Day 3: Nacho Ordinary Taco Salad with Lime Cilantro Dressing
I've been on a "I need to lose this friggin' baby weight kick" lately so I hunted through my "Eat Shrink and Be Merry" cookbook to find some tasty lower fat recipes. This ones a winner.
Day 4: Madras Beef Curry over Basmati Rice with Aloo Pakoras (Indian Potato Fritters) served with Mango Chutney
Another delicious way to slow cook blade steak and tenderize the meat.
Day 5: Thai Larp
I'm addicted to Thai food lately since our friends Dan and Lisa have been inviting us over for supper and cooking us authentic Thai. This is a dish they showed us how to make and it couldn't be easier. Or more delicious.
Day 6: Wonton Soup and Asian Salad
This meal is a cinch to throw together is you've got the wonton's premade in your freezer. Throw together a whole dinner in 10 minutes or less.
For more meal plan ideas check out my Complete List of Meal Plans or the Menu Plan Monday Links hosted at Orgjunkie.
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