DXN Cordyceps

 DXN Cordyceps

DXN Cordyceps sinensis, one of the most valued Chinese medicinal herbs, is found naturally in the highlands of China, Tibet and Nepal. Cordyceps contains various nutrients and active ingredients, which include cordycepic acid, cordycepin, amino acids, glutamic acid, polysaccharides, vitamin B12 among others.

Cordyceps sinensis, also called Chinese caterpillar fungus, Cs-4, Dong Chong Xia Caoor, or semitake, is a fungus native to the Tibetan plateau in China. The fungus is parasitic, and grows in the moth caterpillar. Spores enter the host, germinate, and ultimately kill the larva. Although species of cordyceps are seen in Europe and the Americas, only the Chinese form has been used medically. Cordyceps has a long history of use in Chinese medicine. Its traditional roles have been restorative; improving the quality of life, and increasing energy and longevity. Traditional uses of the thousand year "rejuvenation" herb include the following:

-impotence treatment
-increase fertility
-stimulate immune system
-improve resistance to bacteria
-increase resistance to viruses
-relieve fatigue
-vitality tonic for mind and body, especially in aging men

Benefits of DXN Cordyceps Sinensis:
1. Restful Sleep
2. Natural Anti-Cancer Agent
3. Blood Pressure Regulation
4. Respiratory Help
5. Sexual Rejuvenator
6. Increased Fertility
7. Increased Energy
8. Anti-Aging Properties
9. Blood Sugar Regulation
10. Memory Improvement and Mood Enhancer
11. Increased Absorption Of Other Nutrients
12.Blood Builder and Purifier
13.Outstanding Kidney Rejuvenation
14.Improved Liver Function

Packaging size :

  • 60 capsules
  • 120 tablets
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    Want to Buy this magic medicine CONTACT AT shahzada68@gmail.com
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    Cordyceps Benefits

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