Click here to get a printable version of this week's meal plan and recipes
Grocery List:
The grocery list is color coordinated by meal so you can easily pick and choose which meals you would like to make. Either print and use the grocery list as is and make all the meals I have planned, or easily cross off the meals and corresponding ingredients you would rather not make.
The snow hasn't let up here at all. As a matter of fact, there's big huge puffy snowflakes falling as I gaze out the window and type this. My goal this week once again is to stay warm and cozy...so apparently that means "creamy" food. I really didn't intend this, but as I glanced at the meal plan I had just made I realized the running theme of the word "creamy" through out. Creamy is comforting, so I can roll with that. And since I can only find buttermilk in one litre containers, I slotted in 3 different recipes that utilize it to use up as much of it as I can.
Day 1: Lemon-Parsley Pork Chops with Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans
This is a super simple Sunday supper idea with big fresh flavor from the lemon and parsley.
Day 2: Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Herb Cheddar Biscuits
A warm and creamy soup that is deceiving...there's no cream in this one! A healthy satisfying choice with homemade biscuits. You'll have fresh parsley and green onions on hand from the other meals, so use those herbs to make the biscuits.
Day 3: Creamy Beef Taquitos with Rice and Salad with Chipotle Ranch Dressing
These taquitos with homemade chipotle ranch dressing on salad are awesome! Use the dressing as a dip for the taquitos for extra creamy spiciness. Also make double the amount of rice to use later in the week.
Day 4: Crunchy Oven-Fried Chicken with Salad and Corn
Ignore my terrible photography skills from back in the day, this chicken really is incredibly crunchy and delicious.
Day 5: Chinese Orange Chicken over Rice
Since rice reheats so well, use the rice you made earlier in the week as a bed for this amazing homemade take out dish.
For more great meal plans, check out my complete list of meal plans or the Menu Plan Monday links at Orgjunkie.
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