I'm Pro-Choice.(From the Editor)(Necessity and difficulty of life choice)(Editorial) - Nutraceuticals World

'The difficulty in life is the choice.'--George Moore

It is very American to have an endless array of choices, particularly in the consumer products arena. From dietary supplements to shampoo to toothpicks--(who knew it was possible to have several hundred brands of toothpicks?!)--where would this country be without choice? Choice is the hallmark of capitalist societies, and while the choices may sometimes be difficult, it is a privilege to have any choice at all.

'The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.'--George Elliot

Blessed with the freedom of choice, the companies we've profiled in this issue have made some good ones. They also offer consumers some good choices as well. NextFoods (page 63) is a newcomer to the market with a veteran team behind it, featuring Steve Demos and Todd Beckman of WhiteWave fame. The company is hoping to bring some of the lessons it has learned about the marketplace to bear in this new venture, which focuses on the probiotic arena. With some subtle but significant differences, NextFoods' Good-Belly product offers consumers an alternative to traditional probiotic products.

Another firm highlighted in this issue's 'Companies to Watch' feature is Ganeden Biotech (page 65), a company with both consumer products and a licensing business focused around probiotics. (Have you noticed a trend yet?) While its supplements have been in the market for the last few years, Ganeden's new licensing division is just starting to pick up steam, attracting major food and beverage companies to its indestructible family of bacteria. Think of the choices this company offers in the realm of probiotics, where product formats are dominated by yogurts and dairy drinks.

Neptune Technologies & Bioressources (page 67), a marine phospholipids company, is hoping to capitalize on the high-growth essential fatty acid market by offering an option beyond typical omega 3 ingredients in the market today. Its ingredient complex, Neptune Krill Oil (NKO), not only contains EPA and DHA omega 3s, but also astaxan-thin, a potent antioxidant that helps shore up the integrity of the product. But the best part? NKO has been subjected to several rounds of clinical research, further solidifying Neptune's position as a science-based company offering THE omega 3 alternative.

Yakult (page 69), an international superstar in probiotics, recently decided to enter the U.S. market with its tiny bacteria-based beverage of the same name. Although it has limited experience with U.S. consumers, it does have a 70-year history it can leverage to its benefit. Outside the U.S., 'Yakult is probiotics.'

'I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they choose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas.'--Jack Handy

Let's hear it for the small guys! With the exception of Yakult, those voted as this year's 'Companies to Watch' are, relatively speaking, small outfits powered by innovation and a desire to offer solutions and widen consumer choice. Remember, it is usually the small guys that initiate change in the marketplace first before the big guys think it's safe to follow.

'If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.'--Robert Fritz

It was consumers' unwillingness to compromise in healthcare that drove them toward health and wellness in the first place. For the future, the more choices consumers have in reaching their health and wellness goals, the better.

Editor's Note: The inspiration for this editorial came from Paula Brown and Joseph Betz, authors of this month's column on quality (page 30). Never before has the issue of quality been presented in such an artistic light. It certainly makes for interesting reading!


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