- It is also good for promoting joint health and flexibility.
- Krill oil can is also effective in reducing the physical and emotional symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

MegaRed TM Fish oil is made from genuine Antarctic krill, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that thrive in the frigid waters of the Antarctic. They are harvested using sustainable practices that will not harm other species such as penguins, whales, seals and other fish. Schiff MegaRed contains genuine Neptune Krill Oil (NKO), a patented ingredient that offers superior nutritional support when compared to the very best fish oils.
Therefore, the manufacturers of Mega Red Omega-3 Krill Oil, Schiff Nutrition Group, have for about 70 years routinely tested their products for purity and potency, and all contamination to make sure the product is low in toxins. Likewise, they demand that their suppliers, Aker BioMarine, meets their specificiation. The Schiff Nutrition Group, from Salt Lake City, will not sell krill oil that faill to conform to their standards or specifications. To this effect, Schiff's MegaRed NKO Krill oil is labeled "Potency guarantee" and this gives the customers the confidence of the quality of its Krill.
The antioxidant in the NKO is called astaxanthin. The algae that krill eat produces the bright red pigment astaxanthin that gives krill and other crustaceans such as lobster and shrimp their reddish-pink color.
Unlike many other antioxidants, astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it could theoretically protect the eye, brain and central nervous system from free radical damage. It also protects helps protects the skin from the damaging effects of the sun's UV. Krill oil, also contains another antioxidant, canthaxanthin.
Mega Red omega-3 also contains: a concentration of astaxanthin (almost 129 ppm) ,vitamin E, A and D. each softgel capsule contains 300 mg Krill Oil, 90 mg omega-3 fatty acids, 45 mg EPA
(eicosapentaenoic acid), 27 mg DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). other ingredients are gelatin, glycerin, water, vanillin, and sorbital. The sorbito, a sugar substitute, in Schiff MegaRed Krill Oil formula is used as a humecant in the manufacturing of the gelatin softgel. Each softgel contains less than 1mg of sorbitol.
Most customers reported these benefits while using MegaRed, Omega-3 Krill Oil, 60 sgel.
Smarty: "Mega RedTM Omega 3 Krill Oil supports a low fat diet. I took lipitor for four years and found I was experiencing a rare side effect, abdomyolysis (muscle breakdown). Mega Red krill oil was part of my low fat diet, along with a blend of 3-6-9 omega oil blend. After two months and weeks, I had my cholesterol checked. It went from 240 (pre-lipitor) to 179. LDL from 160 to 119 and HDL from 35 to 40. All as good or better than what I got on 20 mg of Lipitor, I am now happy and filled with a lot of energy".
Please note: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. People with shellfish allergy, coagulopathy or taking anticoagulants or other medications should notify their physician and be tested prior to taking dietary supplements, one a day. If you are pregnant or nursing, taking anticoagulant or anti-platelet medication, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, should consult a physician before taking this product. You should avoid this product if you have a bleeding disorders. The side effects of krill oil may include loose stools, diarrhea or indigestion.
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