This recipe will be my first from a series of posts reviewing Jamie Oliver's cookbook Jamie's Dinners. I first made this chicken almost two years ago but then made it for the second time a couple weeks ago. The introduction to the recipe were my previous thoughts on the recipe, but I will update the "results" section with my current thoughts. Here's what I previously said:
I made this last night for company and I think it would be cruel not to post the recipe, since it is quite easily the most phenomenal roasted chicken and potatoes I have ever tasted. This is another recipe passed on to me by my culinary friend Tara. This recipe comes from the great Jamie Oliver. Tara has a small obsession with Jamie, owning every. single. one. of his cookbooks.
I'd have to say I have a small crush as well.
Recipe from Jamie Oliver
Serves 4-6
3-4 lb chicken
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 lb potatoes, peeled
1 large, preferably unwaxed, lemon
1 whole bulb of garlic, broken into cloves
A handful of fresh thyme
Olive oil
A handful of fresh rosemary sprigs, leaves picked
8 strips of bacon
Preheat your oven to 375°F.
Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil. Cut the potatoes into golf-ball-sized pieces, put them into the water with the whole lemon and the garlic cloves, and cook for 12 minutes. Drain and allow to steam dry for 1 minute (this will give you crispier potatoes), then remove the lemon and garlic. Toss the potatoes into the roasting pan while still hot so their outsides get chuffed up and fluffy - this will make them lovely and crispy when they roast.
Take the chicken out of the fridge, pat it with kitchen paper and rub it all over with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. While the lemon is still hot, carefully stab it about 10 times. Push the garlic cloves, the whole lemon and the thyme into the cavity, then put the chicken into the roasting tray and cook in the preheated oven for around 45 minutes.
Take the roasting pan from the oven and remove the chicken to a plate. Some lovely fat should have cooked out of it into the roasting tray, so toss the potatoes into this with the rosemary leaves. Shake the tray around, then make a gap in the center of the potatoes and put the chicken back in.
If using the bacon, lay the rashers over the chicken breast and cook for a further 45 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked and the potatoes are nice and golden. (You can tell the chicken is cooked when the thigh meat pulls easily away from the bone and the juices run clear.) Make sure you have a meat thermometer. It should read about 170 degrees.
Remove the bacon from the chicken and crumble it up over the potatoes. Then remove the lemon and garlic from inside the chicken, squeeze all the garlic flesh out of the skin, mush it up and smear it all over the chicken, discard the lemon and rosemary and carve the chicken at the table. Heaven!
Click here for printable version of Roasted Chicken & Potatoes with Rosemary and Lemon
I completely refrain from making new recipes I have never tried for company, in case of disaster. This particular night guests just kinda came by, so this is what they were served. Everyone including my guests raved!
The chicken comes out so moist and juicy and the potatoes have soaked up all these incredible flavors from the garlic, lemon, chicken, rosemary and bacon. They are heavenly.
Making this recipe again for the second time I have to still wholeheartedly agree with my previous comments. The lemony, garlic potatoes with the crumbles of crisp bacon are insane. The chicken is moist and juicy. This recipe would be great as a simple and rustic yet elegant dish for company.
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