Here's the deal: I need to back off a bit from blogging. My girls need me during the day and my husband needs me in the evening. I'm sure you've noticed my lack of blogging in the last month or two...I need to unplug and connect with them more. The good news is, probably not a whole lot will change around here. I will still post meal plans and take two weeks to get through posting recipes ;) Despite my absence, I really appreciate all the comments I've been getting lately. You're all so wonderful and encouraging. Thank you.
Without further adieu, my meal plan for the week. It's short since the girls and I are leaving on Friday to go spend a week with my Dad.
Day 1: Mexi-Fries Deluxe with Salsa Ensalada
An idea I had to combine homemade oven fries with the delicious flavors of nacho's. It's gotta be a winner.
Day 2: Fusion Chicken Wraps
We love this healthy meal which combines our favorite Asian peanut sauce in a Mediterranean wrap.
Day 3: Chinese Steamed Spareribs in Black Bean Sauce, Lemon Chicken with Fried Rice, and Sesame Stir-Fried Veggies
We've invited some friends over for dinner and I'm cooking up a delicious homemade Chinese food feast.
Day 4: Charbroiled Pork Vermicelli (Bun Thit Nuong)
One of my favorite Vietnamese dishes that I've perfected.
Day 5: Bistro Burgers with Bacon and Creamy Honey-Dijon Sauce
The first night my hubby is all alone, and I figured he'd want some man food :)
*Recipes to come this week
For more meal plan ideas check out my Complete List of Meal Plans or the Menu Plan Monday Links hosted at Orgjunkie.
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