Yes I know it's been about 3 weeks since I've posted a new plan. This is not to say that I haven't been making meal plans because honestly I don't know how I'd function without one. I just seem to be busier than I thought with 2 babies under 2 in the house, so finding time to post is becoming harder. But I'm making the time to get a new plan and new recipes out.
I was even more adventurous than usual this week and am trying recipes from Lebanon, Thailand, and Malaysia. I am totally intrigued by what is to come.
Day 1: Bruschetta Baked Salmon and Citrus Spinach Salad
My culinary friend Tara emailed me to tell me of this salmon recipe and how good it was.
Day 2: Thai Hot Pot
Our friends who lived in Thailand are having us over for Thai Hot Pot. We did this with them about a year ago and it was so yummy.
Day 3: Falafel Pitas with Tzaziki Sauce
We love Mediterranean flavors but have never tried falafel. I thought it would be a good way to have a meal without meat.
Day 4: Thai Massaman Curry
I've wanted to experiment more with Thai food and a friend who lived in Thailand for a year told me this particular dish is a rich beef curry with a bit of sweetness and crunchy peanuts. I'm excited.
Day 5: Malaysian Chicken Satays and Peanut Sauce with Chow Mein Noodles and Mixed Vegetables
We're doing Malaysia for our International Dinner Club this month, so I'm giving these satays a whirl.
For more meal plan ideas check out my Complete List of Meal Plans or the Menu Plan Monday Links at Orgjunkie.
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